Wednesday, August 08, 2007

You Be the Judge

Well, for some time now, I've been told I look like an English football (soccer) player named Michael Owen. I thought it'd be interesting to do a blog entry and see what our heaps of readers think. It started in the U.S where I've been told a couple times, then once in Australia, twice in Indonesia (as I left a convenience store, an Indonesian man held the door and said to me "Right this way, Mr. Owen"), and many times since then. So to test this out a little more (and because he's my favorite English player), I bought his jersey. The first time I wore it, I felt like a celebrity as I couldn't make it down the street without being called out. My next idea is to work on my English accent and get Dave to act as a bodyguard and see just how far I can take this thing.


Doing what I do best.

Look at that other guy's face.

Off the field.




Blogger LAS said...

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8/09/2007 4:14 PM  
Blogger LAS said...

To all you readers...I actually witnessed Mark being told he looked like Michael Owen in New Zealand. In fact this girl and guy had a bet going whether Mark was told he looked like Michael Owen or Brad Pitt more often. At the time, Mark got Brad Pitt more, so the guy won the bet. I can't see the first 2 pics, but I can see a similarity in excitement and finale.

8/09/2007 4:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn I'm so good looking!! me me me me me...

8/11/2007 5:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can definitely see the resemblance with M. Owen. Brad Pitt seems like a long shot imo.

8/12/2007 12:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As the mom, I can't tell the difference so must be time for you to come home! You look great to me all the time as Mark. (Spoken like a mom, don't you think?)

8/24/2007 1:09 PM  

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