Saturday, January 13, 2007

My New Hair-do!

Well despite my best efforts to have long hair for once in my life, I couldn't take it any longer and decided to cut it all off. I didn't cut my hair once in South America and had planned to go for the "surfer look" while travelling for a year (when else am I going to get the chance), but it's just too hot and I can't take it! So Dave and Lori both helped me cut my hair. (gotta remember the budget) It started off with Dave and I using the scissor tool on a couple of pocket knives to cut it, but that was a slow process so Dave went out and bought real scissors, while Lori helped with the scissors in the meantime. Cutting the rest with a disposable razor didn't take long at all. (I've always wanted to shave my head) Overall, I like it, but I doubt I'll keep it like this for long. I could be in for some painful sunburns....


Blogger Brianne said...



1/14/2007 12:48 AM  
Blogger Meredith said...

Mark! I can't believe you lost all of your hair! I am sorry I missed you when you were back for the couple of weeks. Check out our little blog site that we made, we copied you guys.

1/14/2007 1:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Second picture looked quite original. You should've kept that one! It could even help u find a full time "job" at Auckland Asylum. :)

1/14/2007 1:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I look forward to the return of your hair. Mom

1/14/2007 6:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shannon and Ben said I had to check out the new haircut, nice but I thought granolas were supposed to have long hair...
We missed you in NYC last weekend, no 4am Korean food!

1/24/2007 1:16 AM  

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